Our Values

As United Methodists, we are a people of Grace. We believe that God’s Grace is available to all. We practice an open table which means all people are welcome at our communion table and all tables!

We believe in a practical divinity where we live out our faith as we seek to:


Connect and build relationships within our fellowship, community and world.


Grow in our faith in Christ.


Serve those in our community and world.


Connect and build relationships within our fellowship, community and world.


Grow in our faith in Christ.


Serve those in our community and world.

Our Beliefs

We believe in the Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in God as revealed to us through Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures. The scriptures are the inspired living word of God. We believe in the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all peoples in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Most of all we strive to be a welcoming place because we believe all people belong.

  • The Trinity

    We believe in the Trinity, which is the doctrine that God is one, existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three persons of the Trinity are distinct and unified, co-existing in perfect harmony and working together to create and sustain the world. We recognize that since God is the Creator and the source of all life. God exists in three persons who are distinct yet united, understanding each other completely and working together to bring about God’s plans for humanity. By embracing the Trinity, we can have a deeper relationship with the Lord and better understand God’s will for our lives.

  • The Bible

    We believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible, that it is the true and inspired word of God. We believe that the Bible is our standard for life, and its truth, integrity, and relevance is of utmost importance. The Bible is not just a book, but a living guide, full of God’s wisdom and guidance. Through scripture, we learn about God’s character, how to live and act, and how to grow in our spiritual journey. We believe that by reading and studying the Bible, we are able to draw closer to God and deepen our understanding of God’s love.

  • Jesus

    We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is the central figure of Christianity, the Word of God made flesh. Jesus was sent by God to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins so that we could enjoy an eternal life with Him. Jesus’ teachings on love, forgiveness, humility, and repentance are at the core of our beliefs. We also believe in Jesus’ resurrection, that it was proof of His deity and the promise of eternal life for all those who believe. We are called to follow Jesus, to live lives of holiness, and to share the good news of the gospel. As we learn to love and serve others, we are reminded of Jesus’ example of love and sacrifice.

  • Salvation

    We believe in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was sent by God to save us and give us eternal life. Salvation is possible through faith in Jesus and repentance of our sins. We understand that we are saved through grace and not by any works of our own. The Bible teaches us that no matter what mistakes we make, God’s love and grace are always available to us. It is God’s gift given freely to all. We believe that through faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are able to have the assurance of salvation and the promise of eternal life with God.

  • Baptism

    We believe in the importance of baptism. In the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, "we are initiated into Christ's holy church, … incorporated into God's mighty acts of salvation and given new birth through water and the Spirit," the Introduction to the Baptismal Covenant says. "All this is God's gift, offered to us without price." We believe modes of sprinkling, pouring, and immersion are valid so long as water is used and that a person is baptized “in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” as Christ commanded. We practice infant baptism as a sign of God’s prevenient grace as well as believers baptism for those not baptized as infants. Baptism is about God’s work in naming and claiming us as we are brought into the body of believers.

  • Holy Spirit

    We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the unifying power between God and humanity, and is the source of our comfort, guidance, and strength. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand and appreciate the Bible, and helps us to live out its teachings in our lives. We believe that the Holy Spirit is with us always, faithfully guiding us in our walk with God. We also believe that the Holy Spirit gives us gifts such as wisdom, knowledge, understanding, healing, miracles, and prophecy so that we can be used to serve God and spread God’s love.

  • The Church

    We believe in the Christian doctrinal belief of The Church. We believe that the Church is a holy assembly of believers, united in faith and love. We strive to be a community of believers who are united in our faith in Jesus Christ and in our commitment to serve God’s kingdom. We are committed to loving God and loving others, and to be known for our love for one another. We believe that the Church is a body of believers who are called to serve and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we seek to be faithful disciples of Jesus and to follow His teachings. We strive to live out our faith through loving actions and service to our community and the world.

  • Prayer

    We believe in the power of prayer, both individually and corporately, as an expression of faith in God's work in our lives. Prayer is an essential part of a Christian life and is used to talk to God and to communicate with the divine. We pray for guidance, strength, healing, protection, and for our families, friends, and community. Through prayer, we seek to deepen our understanding of God's will and plans for our lives. Praying helps us grow closer to God and to gain a better understanding of God’s will and how we can best serve. Prayer is a beautiful and powerful way to communicate with our Heavenly Father and to seek love and guidance.